Exotics Con 2022

I will be out of the office from Monday August 15th until Monday August 22nd for the ExoticsCon conference in Denver, CO and will reply to your messages when I return by the end of September 2022..  Please see the Previous post for emergency clinic information.

Lindsey and I look forward to this conference annually and learning about the latest advancements in avian, herp, piscine and small mammal medicine and surgery.

Please remember I am still available for current clients as previously instructed but taking a very limited number of new clients.  We still DO NOT do grooming only appointments and will not offer these ever as it is not in the best interest of our patients.

2022 Operations update

We continue to offer virtual/telemedicine services to our CURRENT CLIENTS and provide live streaming on our aevhs.smart.vet site for distance exams and drop off appointments as well as housecalls in vehicle. If you are not a current client we cannot give medical advice, diagnose or treat, or offer telemedicine services until the doctor has done a physical exam on the patient. We do not go into homes.
While we can book you with the doctor for a message, phone call or virtual consultation, she can only give general advice to new clients or clients who have not had their pet seen in the last year and cannot diagnose nor treat or prescribe. It is LEGALLY REQUIRED for the doctor to do an exam in order to DIAGNOSE OR TREAT your pet in the state of MN & WI where she is a licensed provider (but once we have an annual exam on file this is a service we can offer current clients).
If you need emergency clinic info, please read the information below- this is also ALWAYS on our https://aevhs.smart.vet homepage as well as our http://www.aevhs.com/blog.html page.
Monday through Thursdays we continue to offer housecalls in our vehicle, drop off and contactless appointments in-RV, and telemedicine services. Outdoor distance appointments are currently out for the season for non-flighted patients. Due to the pandemic we are still requiring masks and distancing.
If you don’t want to book with us now, but do in the future, you can do so at any time by visiting https://aevhs.smart.vet and scroll down to “Book a Consultation”. You’ll see the first option listed as: Request an Appointment and then click the button just below this heading: [Get Started ]
After the virtual scheduling desk gets your appointment request and reviews your preliminary appointment request information (i.e you’ve asked for an exam) the virtual scheduling desk will ask for you to fill out your client info and patient file that pertains to your pet. These can also be found at https://www.aevhs.com/about.html#schedule for downloading to fill out at your convenience.


Emergency clinics that see exotic pets in the metro area:
AERC St. Paul (651) 293-1800 1542 W 7th St. St. Paul, MN 55102
AERC Oakdale (651) 501-3766 1163 Helmo Avenue North Oakdale, MN 55128
Como Park After Hours (651) 487-3255 1014 Dale Street N St. Paul, MN 55117
AEVHS Virtual Scheduling Desk